V1.5.3 – The Self-Hosting

Dec 10th, 2023

Key Release Notes:

  • Thanks to the functionality of the REST-compliant API self-hosting is now available. You may now register and display The Japan Map on your own website. A guide is available on Host on Your Own Site.
  • You may now request your own channels to be added to the map if they are not already present. The guide How to Edit the Map has been expanded explaining this functionality.

V1.5.2 – The API Launch

Feb 13th, 2023

Key Release Notes:

  • All data requests of the map are now made through a REST-compliant API. The first call when opening the site will typically be a bit slower due to the API needing to start up. Subsequent calls however, such as searching for nearby videos or looking up videos of a specific channel, are now significantly faster.
  • A new function has been added to detect missing videos. Whenever a user encounters a deleted/privatized video, the API will be informed and subsequent site visits will likely not show the missing video anymore. This will improve site experience over time.
  • The gender reveal mini-game has been removed as our daughter has now been born. Different games using the same tech will be made available in the future.
  • A new loading animation has been added on startup.

V1.5.1 – The Gender Reveal

Oct 30th, 2022

Key Release Notes:

  • A gender reveal minigame has been added to the map. Finding a location important to us (Niko & Tatsui), you will find a link showcasing the gender of our upcoming baby.
  • The size of the map should now adapt to the size of the screen slightly better.
  • In the AI processing, a new function has been added to remove references to other YouTube videos in the video description. This should reduce the number of misplaced videos, when YouTubers refer to other videos in the description along with the places they’ve been to.

V1.5 – The Visual Search Engine

Aug 20th, 2022

Key Release Notes:

  • Users may now search for locations in addition to YouTube channels in the search field. Typing in characters will list suggested places. Clicking on those will zoom the map to that location and show nearby videos.
  • Updated “The Japan Map” branding on various places and added a “Developed with YouTube” footer also.
  • Added a full-screen mode to the map.

V1.4 – Creator Control

Jun 9th, 2022

Key Release Notes:

  • Creators may verify their channels to the site using the following page: Verify Channel
  • Creator Control has been enabled: Map Manager
    • Video data can be edited for all channels creators verified as their own:
      • Videos can be removed or added to the map with the “Is Location Based” Attribute
      • Videos can be declared as being based on Japan or not (Will be used in the future)
      • Additional locations may be added to each video manually
      • Wikipedia links can now be added to locations if they do not exist yet
      • A custom coordinate can now be set for each video

V1.3 – AI for Removal of Non-Travel Videos

Feb 5th, 2022

Key Release Notes:

  • An AI is now in place to automatically remove videos not based on travel or locations (e.g. Unboxings, Anime Talks, Reactions)
  • The default view of the map will now show you all videos posted in the last 7 days
  • You are now able to press a button to hide videos from the The Red Value channel
  • The Find Channel search bar will now give you the option to either open the Find Videos prompt as well as to show the videos of the last 7 days
  • Toast messages now give you useful tips for the map
  • Map is now defined to have full support for videos in the English language en
  • The following languages are now defined as being partially supported:
    • Chinese (Simplified)  zh
    • Chinese (Traditional) zh-Hant
    • French fr
    • German de
    • Italian it
    • Japanese ja
    • Korean ko
    • Portuguese pt
    • Russian  ru
    • Spanish  es

V1.2.2 – More Control for YouTubers

Nov 19th, 2021

Key Release Notes:

  • YouTubers may now use the Recording Location feature of their YouTube upload to specify the location of their video. Using this will significantly increase the likelihood of that location being used on the map.
  • Further automation in the processing backend has been implemented, allowing newly-added YouTubers to be added to the map more reliably

V1.2.1 – Auto Removal of Deleted Videos

Nov 1st, 2021

Key Release Notes:

  • Deleted/Privatized videos will now be auto-removed from the map. This usually happens live, but may in some circumstances not occur automatically

V1.2 – The Video Finder

Sep 27th, 2021

Key Release Notes:

  • New Video Finder Features allows you to right-click the map (or click on the Find Video button), to search for nearby videos of all YouTubers
  • Also added: Clicking on the arrow of the Find Channel box will hide some of the AI. This should particularly help in the usability particularly for smaller screens

V1.1.1 – Multilingual Support

Sep 3rd, 2021

Key Release Notes:

  • Multiple languages now supported for YouTubers:
    • Chinese (Simplified)  zh
    • Chinese (Traditional) zh-Hant
    • English en
    • French fr
    • German de
    • Italian it
    • Japanese ja
    • Korean ko
    • Portuguese pt
    • Russian  ru
    • Spanish  es

V1.1 – 3D-Terrain

Aug 23rd, 2021

Key Release Notes:

  • 3d-terrain now available in all map styles (except for watercolor)
  • 3d-buildings now available in streets style
  • Branding has now been updated from Project Odyssey to The Japan Map
  • www.thejapanmap.com will now redirect to the map page
  • Direct links to locations now available
    • Copy and paste browser URL to return to exact place you visited before on the map
    • Also allows you to stay on the same position if you refresh the browser

V1.0.1 – Live Updates

Aug 3rd, 2021

Key Release Notes:

  • New Videos now added live (directly after video upload)
  • Video titles updated live (directly after video title edit)

V1.0 – First Release

July 16th, 2021

Key Release Notes:

  • Allows you to see a map for each listed YouTuber. Direct Link to map of each channel available
  • Available YouTubers can be searched for in Search bar in the top left section of the map
  • Multiple different 2d map styles available (Watercolor, Satellite, Light, Dark, Streets, Outdoors)