How to Edit the Map

On this page, it is shown how YouTubers can verify ownership of their channels and how they can then use the Map Manager to add/remove videos to and from the map as well as place their videos to different locations. A video showing how the process is done is also available right next to this text.

Subscribe to My Channel

Step 1 – Register to the Website

First, you need to register to the website. You can do so by clicking on the “The Login” button on the top-right corner of the website. From there on out, you just need to follow the typical login process, which you are likely to be familiar with from other sites.

Step 2 – Verify Your Channel

Following the website registration, you will then need to verify ownership of the channels for which you want to edit the map data of. For this, you need to open the “Verify Channel” page. Then do the following steps:

  1. Click on the Verify my Channel button.
    -> A Google Authentication screen should now open up.
  2. Select your Google Account and then YouTube channel which you wish to verify on this site.
    -> The channel should now be verified.
  3. (Optional) If you wish to verify another channel, click on the Verify Another Channel button and go back and restart this verification process anew. Do this until you have verified all channels that you wish to edit data for.
  4. (On Condition) In case your channel is not processed by the Japan Map yet, you may request it being added to the map. After verification, open the “Map Manager” page.
  5. (On Condition) In the list of channels, press on theĀ  “Request Activation” button. An admin will then be prompted to approve your channel shortly. Once approved, the AI will start processing your videos, which will then be gradually appearing on the map.

Step 3 – Open the Map Manager

Once your channel is approved, the Map Manager will function as the tool giving you the ability to edit the data of your videos. Open it and select a channel to get started.
